

For the correct development of the research period there are enough material resources and services. In particular, it has to be taken into accounts that not only are available the resources and services of the Department and the University, but participating doctorsprovide theresourcesobtained fromprojectsand industrial contracts. Inparticular:

  • Instrumentation and laboratory facilities. Laboratories are equipped with specific measuring devices, allowing the realization of tests of analog, digital and mixed signal integrated circuits. The automatic test system Agilent 93000 allows the tests realization of both prototyping and production mixed-signal circuits in a single platform. There are also specific optoelectronic devices characterization instrumentation and a camera obscura to test vision sensors. It has instruments to perform spectral measurements and frequency networks, having an anechoic chamber for characterization of devices and electromagnetic compatibility measurements. Specific instruments to perform parametric measurements on semiconductors and passive devices, for the assembly of PCBs, for components soldering and desoldering, and to perform micro connections between chips and encapsulated circuits. A laser system capable of emulating the impact of a high energy particle on a semiconductor device will be available shortly. Also there is available a laboratory equipped with networks analyzer, a system of "indoor" antennas in anechoic chamber, positioners and instruments for measuring radiation patterns, as well as the instruments necessary for the realization of circuits and printed antennas printed using gravure techniques. It also has a milling machine and a metallization system of tracks. In the near future there will be a prototyping system by laser. Many of these instruments include an associated control software that facilitate the generation of the electrical signal monitoring and interfaces with CAD tools for simulation, and test vectors generation and analysis. Students participating in the Ph.D. program will receive training in the use of these tools and the support of specialized technical staff serving permanently these laboratory equipment and instruments.

  • Computer systems and CAD tools. It will be available to doctoral students a computing environment that is based on the coordinated use of servers, SunRay and PCs, connected in a local network. In addition they will use design environments and industrial tools provided through the European Union program EUROPRACTICE. These CAD tools cover different integrated circuits design levels. Also to facilitate the access of doctoral students remotely there is a service of remote connection via secure VPN authentication mechanisms. There are specialized technical personnel for monitoring and implementing the hardware and software equipments.
  • Classrooms and seminars. It has fully equipped classrooms with SunRay workstations, PCs and iMacs, which can develop training activities and provide working sessions with integrated circuits design tools. Seminars and a multimedia classroom can also be used to handle video conferencing sessions to promote the coordination actions between doctoral students and foreign teachers who are collaborating on the development of some of the doctoral program research activities. All these facilities have video projectors and internet access.
  • Libraries and reading rooms. It will be available to doctoral students the library network of the University of Seville, as well as access to computerized catalog (FAMA) that allows to consult the collections of all libraries, the antique and digital fund (end of career projects and thesis). It also allows access to the main technological databases and electronic resources (e-journals, e-books, and Conference proceedings that are in referenced global databases).

Are the responsibility of the Infrastructure Vice-rectorship  all actions relating to university infrastructure: policy and execution of works, equipment, maintenance, staffing and development of new technologies for the management, teaching, research and communications in the university and the removal of architectural barriers in schools and university buildings.

For it has three secretariats:

With all these resources the priority and strategic target of the Infrastructures Vice-rectorship is to ensure the conservation and optimum functioning of all institutions of the University of Seville contributing to develop its activity and achieve their objectives by providing excellent service and adapt to new needs.

The University of Seville is developing - and will continue to do so - an active policy of facilitating accessibility to buildings and academic facilities as well as to the electronic resources of an institutional nature, along the lines marked in the Royal Decree 505/2007 of 20 April which sets the basic terms of accessibility and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities to access and use of urban public spaces and buildings

Verificado por la Comisión de Verificación de Planes de Estudio del Consejo de Universidades el 30 de junio de 2010